When a record is being updated or created, Salesforce will place a lock on that record to prevent another operation from updating the record at the same time and causing inconsistencies on the data.These locks normally last for a few seconds and when the lock is released, other operations can do any processing they are supposed to do on the record in question. However, a given transaction can only wait a maximum of 10 seconds for a lock to be released, otherwise, it will time out.
Therefore, the below error is caused by the following:
E2120 - ECE_SForceDataError: We got an error back from SalesForce when trying to update or insert data in SalesForce: Error returned from SFDC on update: [message: unable to obtain exclusive access to this record , statusCode: UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW ] , Data sent: sObjects: [type: Product2 , Id: 01t0000000DYg06AAD , Cost__c: 44.00 ]