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Support for SQLite databases. SQLite is a self-contained (no server needed), high-reliability, embedded, full-featured, public-domain, SQL database engine. SQLite is the most used database engine in the world ( Both windows and Linux-based systems are supported as long as you can access the database file from the location where you install the RapidiConnector (as described below).

The following versions of SQLite are supported

  • SQLite 3.0 or later

Additional installation

The SQLite connector requires that a SQLite3 client library is installed on the machine where the RapidiConnector is installed. For Windows the client library can be downloaded from - on Linux it is usually available via a package manager for the specific Linux version (please get in contact with us for this). If the SQLite3 client library is not in the path, you can specify where it is found in the rapidi.cfg file (using the "SQLiteLibName" - default is "sqlite3").

The RapidiConnector can be installed on a windows computer (see next section) or on some Linux versions also (please contact us to know more about this possibility).

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Installing the RapidiConnector


The fields of the SQLite Connection Card are used as follows:

  • Code: The code for this connection is assigned when the Connection id is created and cannot be changed.
  • Description: Enter a short text describing this Connection. Please put in a good description here as the Code is always very generic and its not easy to know what the connection is used for without a good description.
  • Database Path: Specify the path and name of the sqlite3 database you want to access. If you have several sqlite3 databases, you will need to create a Connection (and install a RapidiConnector) for each of them.

Copy, Test, Activate Changes, and Read Design

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Copy Connection

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Connection Test

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Activate Changes

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Read Design