Setup Schedules
How to set up a new Schedule (or update a Schedule)
- Under 'New/Edit Schedules' you can create/update one or more Schedules at the same time.
- The Schedules will all automatically get unique names composed of the Transfer code or Group code, appended with any Tag information chosen.
- When saving your setup Rapidi will check if the Schedule(s) concerned by the selections you made (transfer, group, tags) already exists and either update these or create new schedules as needed.
- An existing Schedule will be updated rather than create a duplicate Schedule.
- If you choose a single Transfer or Group and no Tags, then just one Schedule will be created/updated.
- If a Tag group (All Tags) is selected, then one Schedule for each Tag will be created/updated.
- If no Group and no Transfer is selected, then a Schedule will be created/updated for each Group you have (and for each Tag if a Tag group is selected).
- If no Group and no Transfer is selected, then a Schedule will be created/updated for each Group you have (and for each Tag if a single Tag value is selected).
- In the header of each Schedule you will have information on:
- Schedule Code
- Last Date/Time
- Next Date/Time
- Interval
- Priority
- Status
- Furthermore, you have direct links to write a comment, go to the Transfer, go to Runs, go to the Log, and being able to delete the Schedule
Below you can see a description of the different fields within each Schedule:
Is automatically created when creating a new Schedule.
Is automatically created when creating a new Schedule. This field can be edited.
Select Tags:
- If your Transfers are using Tags, then you can select either a Tag group (All Tags) or a single Tag value.
- If a Tag group is selected, then a Schedule for each Tag value in that group will be created/updated.
- Here you can select one Transfer if you need to create a Schedule for a specific Transfer.
- If you need to create a Schedule for a Group, then leave this field blank.
- Here you can select one Group if you need to create a Schedule for a specific Group. If you need to create a Schedule for a Transfer, then leave this field blank.
- If you leave both the Transfer and the Group field blank, then a Schedule for each Group will be created/updated.
By specifying "Interval", you can define how often the Schedule should be repeated.
This is the status of the Scheduler job:
Ok: The Schedule has run through without errors last time and/or is ready to run. Set the Status to "Ok" when you want a Schedule to run.
Processing: The Schedule is currently being run. If a Schedule fails with an error, the status will at first stay as processing. After a few moments (if the scheduler is not busy) it will retry to run the Schedule and the status is changed to either "Error" or "Ok".
Error: There was an error while processing the Schedule the last time.
Stopped: The Schedule is disabled and will not be run. If you want to disable a certain Schedule, you can set it to "Stopped".
Specify in which priority sequence the Schedule should run. Choose between the following options:
High: If you have Schedules that need to run often, you can use our "High Priority" feature - this will run the Schedule before other normal-priority Schedules and help to get it run often. You might also consider adding another schedule process (service process) to be sure that these high-priority Schedules are run in time.
Normal: If there are no Schedules that have the priority set to 'High' the Schedules with priority 'Normal' will run
Low: If there are no Schedules that have the priority set to 'Normal' the Schedules with priority 'Low' will run
Error Handling:
Specify what Rapidi should do if errors occur while running the job. Choose between the following options:
Skip: (default value) Rapidi will calculate the next run time for the Schedule and try the Schedule again at that time. If you have specified the "Error Interval", this will be used, else the value in the "Interval" field will be used for the calculation of the Next time to run. Skip is the recommended setting.
Retry: Rapidi will retry to run this Schedule in case of an error. Rapidi will first run all other Schedules that are due to run, then try to run the Schedules with Status "Error".
- Stop: Rapidi will set the Schedule to "Stopped" when the Transfer has an error. You will have to manually change the status to run the Schedule again.
Next Date/Time:
- This field indicates the date and time when the Schedule will be run next time.
- If you leave them blank, the Scheduler job will not be run.
Last Date/Time:
- This field indicates the date and time for when the Schedule was run the last time. This is an automatically calculated field, so you cannot edit it.
Error Interval:
Specify when the Schedule should run again in case of an error.
Notify Interval:
- Here you can specify when you want Rapidi to send you a notification email if this Schedule fails with an error.
- The notify interval on a Schedule is what tells the monitoring process when to notify you about that specific Schedule. It is important to understand that you will be notified both when a Schedule that fails to run through with an error and also for a Schedule that did not run through in time (or maybe not at all). The latter can easily happen if the schedule process is busy running other Schedules that possibly take a long time to run.
- With the above-mentioned situation in mind, it is important to set a notify interval that leaves the scheduler process enough time to run all due-to-run Schedules and also finish this specific Schedule before the time elapses.
- For example, if you set your notify interval to e.g. 10 minutes you will most likely get notified very often (and very often without the Schedule actually having an error). If instead, you set your notify interval to e.g. 3 or 4 hours for a Schedule that runs each hour, that will normally be fine. Or if you have set the Schedule to run each night at 1 am, set the notify interval to 7 or 8 hours so that you will be alerted in the morning which should normally be sufficient.
- The Rapidi notification system does not immediately alert you if a Schedule fails to run correctly. This is intended because some errors (like failed connections etc.) tend to solve themselves after a few retries and so you don't need to be notified of these.
- The Notify Interval is used to calculate and set a value in the field Notify Date/Time.
- This value is calculated based on the Next Date/Time value when a schedule is run through without errors. First, the Next Date/Time is calculated, and then the Notify Interval is added to this value to result in the Notify Date/Time.
- A typical setting is 4 hours for a schedule that is set to each hour.
- Another typical setting is to set a schedule to run daily (1 Day in Interval), have an Interval (Error) of 1 hour, and notify Interval of 4 hours.
- Any changes to the Notify Interval will not impact the Notify Date/Time immediately. The changes will only be reflected after the schedule is run through without error. For example, if changes are made to Notify Interval from 1 Day to 1 Hour, the Notify Date/Time will not show the changes immediately. Changes will only reflect after the schedule has gone through its subsequent run and it is run through without error.
Learn more about the Schedule Monitoring Process
Notify Date/Time:
- This indicates the date and time when you will be notified of a Schedule. This is an automatically calculated field, so you cannot edit it.
- For example, each time a Schedule runs through without errors, it will calculate a new "Next Date/Time" for when the Schedule should run the next time. After that, it will calculate the "Notify Date/Time" by adding the notify interval to the "Next Date/Time". If the schedule does not run through successfully before the "Notify Date/Time" (whereby a new Notify Date/Time would be calculated), the monitoring process will notify you.
Start Time (run between) and End Time (run between):
- If the Schedule has to be run within a certain period of a day, you can specify when it should start and stop. This would be the case, for example, if you only want the Scheduler job to be run at night only.
- You should only use this setting if your Interval is less than once a day. If your Interval is 1 Day (or greater), leave these two fields set to the same time which will disable the feature.
Run on these days:
Specify which days of the week the Schedule should be run. The default setting is all days.
Only when connected:
In this field, you can specify a comma-separated list of RapidiConnectors. When filled in the Scheduler will only attempt to run the Schedule if the specified RapidiConnector(s) are currently connected. In this way, you can avoid errors by saying that the RapidiConnector is currently not connected. It is especially useful when the RapidiConnector is located on e.g. a laptop that is not always connected to the internet. Specify for example NAVSQL001_R