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Salesforce API Calls exceeded [REQUEST_LIMIT_EXCEEDED]

When you have an integration between Salesforce and other systems, it can happen that the API calls limit is exceeded. In that case, you will see the below error message:

E2124 - ECE_SForceError: We got an error from the SalesForce module. Please see details below: API Calls exceeded minimum free: Currently used = 236986, Limit = 237000, Minimum free requested = 100. Please try to run transfer again later (API calls used are counted for last 24 hours).

This means that your Salesforce instance has reached its API limit for the day. For example, if your schedules are running every 10 minutes and there is a large number of updates, then these will consume your API calls. One option is to reduce the frequency of your schedules. However,in order to see the actual status of your allotted API Calls, log into your instance and go to Home -> System Overview :

System Overview - API Usage

Also, you can configure your org so that an email is sent to a designated user when the number of API requests has exceeded a specified percentage of the amount allotted. Perform this configuration from Setup by entering API Usage Notifications in the Quick Find box and then selecting API Usage Notifications.