Logs are used to store information about every transaction run. Read more about Logs
Field | Type | Notes |
id | integer | |
logdate | date | |
logtime | time | UTC |
transfer | string | |
sub_transfer | string | |
group | string | |
schedule | string | |
source | string | |
destination | string | |
description | string | |
is_error | boolean | |
time_used | integer | |
log_type | string | "information", "error", "transfer_control", "connection_control", "protocol_control", "communication_control", "scheduler_control", "server_control" |
message_code | string | |
service_code | string | |
filename | string | |
run_id | string | |
run_type | integer | |
read_source | integer | |
read_destination | integer | |
skipped_source | integer | |
read_action | integer | |
updated | integer | |
inserted | integer | |
deleted | integer | |
source_deleted | integer | |
initialized | integer | |
packages_sent | integer | |
bytes_sent | integer | |
packages_received | integer | |
bytes_received | integer |
Query Parameters |
Notes |
Examples |
id | Unique identifier of the log. | id=100 |
fromdate | Minimum datetime of logs to retrieve (inclusive, Accepted datetime formats are: 2020-12-01T12:12Z or 202012011212). | fromdate=202012011000 |
todate | Maximum datetime of logs to retrieve (inclusive, Accepted datetime formats are: 2020-12-01T12:12Z or 202012011212). | todate=202103011000 |
log_datetime | Exact datetime of the logs you want to retrieve (inclusive, Accepted datetime formats are: 2020-12-01T12:12:12Z or 20201201121212). | log_datetime=20201201100022 |
search | Finds log entries where searchable fields contain the provided value. | search="TEST_22" |
limit | Maximum number of log entries to retrieve with each database query. Used for paginated results | limit=100 |
offset | Number of log entries the query should skip before beginning to read and apply filters, used for paginated results | offset=100 |
Searchable fields |
id |
description |
transfercode |
groupcode |
To avoid generating queries that can overload the system, a distinction is made between indexed and non-indexed fields available for filtering:
Indexed fields are optimized for searching, allowing the Database query to consume less resources when filtering logs.
Indexed filters |
non_indexed filters (includes the search query term) |
runid | source |
transfercode | destination |
schedulercode | groupcode |
logtype | description |
iserror |
Pagination:Pagination uses the limit and offset parameters to separate the retrieval of large volumes of logs into smaller chunks called pages.
Setting the limit parameter allows us to define the page size, and setting offset to a multiple of limit sets which page we are getting back for the request.Once you've made your first query with offset=0 and a specific limit, only the offset parameter should vary for future requests.