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REST API Authentication

In order to get access to the API, the Account Administrator needs to create a new API User, that only has access to MyRapidi through the API. Please follow the steps under Create User and Manage Users to create this new API User. After a new API User has been created, the Administrator needs to generate an API Access Token for this API user, which the API uses as the authentication/login method. 

The API Access Token generated on the Manage Users page is then used with the "Authorization" Header like below:

Authorization: Bearer [API SECURITY TOKEN]

The API Access Token generated will expire in the same way as normal user passwords - depending on the Account - Password Policies. The expire date will be indicated when you generate the Token. When a new Token is generated, the old token will expire after 24 hours - i.e. you have 24 hours to get the new Token into your production system.

This API is authenticated using HTTP Basic Auth over HTTPS. Any requests over plain HTTP will fail with an HTTP 307 Temporary Redirect error message.

All requests are associated with a specific API user in MyRapidi and permissions are limited to that user's capabilities.