This transfer will transfer new and updated MS Dynamics Business Central Items into D365 Sales products. All mappings are either 1:1 or additional lookups have been created. However, there are specific mappings where you have more than 1 option to map the indicated fields:
Business Central Field | D365 Sales Field |
##LSLOOKUP('UOM'+'#REVERSE',"Sales_Unit_of_Measure") | defaultuomid |
##BLANKVALUE(DBLOOKUP('DESTDS','uom','name',"Sales_Unit_of_Measure",'uomid'),DBLOOKUP('DESTDS','uom','name','Primary Unit','uomid')) | defaultuomid |
Note: In Business Central, the Sales_Unit_of_Measure is a pre-defined picklist which will allow you to use only the available options. In D365 Sales, defaultuomid is a GUID field and a 1:1 mapping is not possible.
Note: In D365 Sales, you have to create a Unit Group first and then the unit of measures that you are planning to use. It’s not recommended to create 1 Unit Group for each unit of measure as they will require additional lookups.
Business Central Field | D365 Sales Field |
##DBLOOKUP('DESTDS','uomschedule','name','Default Unit','uomscheduleid') | defaultuomscheduleid |
##'dab7c34d-ffea-4311-9e3b-23f06d7952bb' | defaultuomscheduleid |
Note: The D365 Sales field defaultuomscheduleid is mandatory for any new and updated product but it does not exist in MS Dynamics Business Central. The field defaultuomscheduleid = Unit Group in D365 Sales . In order to populate this field with the GUID value, you have two options: