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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Relations, OData (MS Dynamics CRM), MS Dynamics 365 Sales


Support for MS Dynamics CRM using OData. Both reading data and writing (insert, update and delete) is supported.

We support Azure based installation and also Microsoft hosted (Microsoft online) deployments and local installations.

The following versions of MS Dynamics CRM are supported

  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Relations
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales

Additional installation (only for local installations or if you control the Azure instance)

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Installing the RapidiConnector

Please Note: The OData Connection is by default created with an attached RapidiConnector. If you don't need the RapidiConnector - if you want Rapidi to connect directly to your OData system - you need to delete the RapidiConnector from the Connection (click the trashcan icon (Delete RapidiConnector) all the way to the right on the RapidiConnector header). 


Below is a description of the fields on the Connection:

  • Code: The unique code for this connection (cannot be changed)
  • Description: Enter a text describing the Connection.
  • Authentication Type: Choose howto authenticate with your MS Dynamics 365 system. Normally you would choose "OAuth2 (Azure AD)" here and specify the connection parameters and credentials as described below.
  • Server Connect: Specify the full path to your Dynamics 365 system - like "'CRONUS%20International%20Ltd.')/Customer"
    for D365 BC it would be like: (please use your own tenant id)
  • Company: Specify the NAV company that this connection should use - like "CRONUS International Ltd." (Please note that this field is case sensitive). You need to create a Connection for each Company in NAV that you want to read or write data from/to.
    For D365 BC you need to use the id of the company - not the name. You can get the id by leaving this field blank and use the TEST button. This will give you a list of all Company id's in your D365 BC.
  • UserID: Here you specify the userid (credentials) to access your Dynamics 365. When using the OAuth2 authentication, this is the ApplicationID of the App created in the Azure AD.
  • Password: Here you specify the Password corresponding to the above UserID. For OAuth2, this is the Key found on the App created in the Azure AD.
  • Domain: The Domain for Authentication. For OAuth2, this is the Tenant ID of your Azure AD.
  • Resource: This field is only used for OAuth2 authentication. Specify here the resource (the Application ID of the App in your Azure AD that you want to have access to - e.g. your Dynamics 365 system).
  • Metadata URL: Here you can specify the URL to the metadata for your Dynamics 365 - like "$metadata"
    or for D365 BC:$metadata
  • Use SSL: Check this field if the connection should use SSL (this setting dictates if SSL is used independently of specifying http or https above).

Test and Read Design

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Connection Test

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Read Design